I am not a native english speaker so I apologize for all mistake you can read here.
Don't hesitate to write me for any questions, improvement or new functionnalities
I could add on this website. I develop myself this website with free development
tools like php/mysql/css/html that I learned to use by myself.
I want to thank all the internet user community and development forums
where developers share their knowledge. I am very grateful to them.
In particular I want to thank here le site du zéro,
the famous jQuery library,
the mysql manual
and the php manual,
Benoit Balon,
Evan Hunter,
the Digikam project,
the KML documentation,
Geoffrey Crofte,
the free color tool,
the Plantagenet school,
the Linux community, and many others...
Design and development © Jonathan Zaccaria 2013 and 2020, and all pictures © Jonathan Zaccaria